Your Reimbursement Account Statements

This article applies to you if you have a Via Benefits reimbursement account (sometimes known as a Health Reimbursement Arrangement).*

Explanations of Payment (EOP) and Explanations of Unpaid Expenses (EOUE) provide details about your reimbursements.

An EOP is generated when either all of your reimbursement is paid or when part of your reimbursement is paid and part is either not approved, denied, or on hold. An EOUE is generated when all of your reimbursement request isn't paid, whether it’s denied, not approved, used to offset an overpayment, or on hold.

  • For expenses that aren't approved, the statement describes action steps necessary to resubmit your reimbursement request.

  • For denied expenses, the statement provides information explaining why the expense wasn't reimbursed.

Paper EOPs aren't mailed when all expense lines are paid, your email address is on file, and you have set up direct deposit. Instead, we email you a notification of the payment.

Mail Notification Settings

You can manage whether you receive paper or email notifications about your reimbursement account, such as balance reminders and Explanations of Payment (EOP). You can also sign into your account at any time to review your reimbursement account activity. Read Update Your Reimbursement Notification Settings for more information.

Paper EOPs aren't mailed when there’s no denied expense line, your email address is on file, and you have set up direct deposit. Instead, we send you an email notification for the payment.

Finding Your EOUEs and EOPs on the Website

Note: Some information on the screen may not be visible if you set your browser to 125% zoom or higher. We recommend using 100% zoom and expanding your browser.

To view an EOUE or EOP, start by going to your reimbursement account:

1. Sign into Via Benefits.
2. Select View accounts under Funds & Reimbursements.
3. Select Reimbursement Center on the Funds and Reimbursements page.
4. Select HRA.

Please note: The HRA tab is customized for your former employer or benefits provider and may have a different name (for example, ARA, RRA).

To view an EOUE:

1. Select Payments.
2. Select Activity Details.
3. Select View Printable Summary below the Amount Paid.


To view an EOP:

1. Select Payments.
2. Locate the Payment Date in which you're interested.
3. Select View next to the Payment Type.


EOUE and EOP Examples

Explanation of Payment (EOP) Via Check

When you receive your reimbursement payments by check, you receive an Explanation of Payment (EOP) with your check attached at the bottom. Your available balance at the time the EOP was issued is provided.


A detachable check is at the bottom of the EOP.


Explanation of Payment (EOP) Via Direct Deposit

When you receive your reimbursement payments by direct deposit, there isn't an active check nor check stub attached to the EOP. The last four digits of your bank account and your available balance at the time the EOP was issued are located near the top of the EOP.

Note: Paper EOPs aren't mailed when there isn't a denied expense line, your email address is on file, and you have set up direct deposit. Instead, we send you an email notification for the payment.


Explanation of Unpaid Expenses (EOUE)

An EOUE is sent when all the requested expenses are denied, not approved, or on hold. It provides expense details and actions that can be taken to correct expense requests that aren't approved or are on hold. The EOUE also shows the available balance at the time it was issued and recent expenses submitted for reimbursement.

An example of a denial reason is shown below. If you believe a denial is incorrect, the EOUE provides instructions on how you can take action. Read Options to Resolve Denied Reimbursements and Other Funding Issues for more information.


Letter of Medical Necessity

You may receive an Explanation of Unpaid Expenses (EOUE) or an Explanation of Payment (EOP) Denial telling you an expense wasn't approved and that Via Benefits requires a Letter of Medical Necessity (LOMN) to reprocess your reimbursement request. Under IRS rules, you must provide a certification of medical necessity for some products and services. A Letter of Medical Necessity is written by your licensed medical practitioner (MD, PA, DO, DC, etc.) and verifies that the services or items you're purchasing are for the diagnosis, treatment, mitigation, or prevention of a disease or medical condition. The letter provides certification that services and products used for both general good health and to treat a medical condition are eligible for reimbursement.

The LOMN is valid for up to one year or the completion of the treatment, whichever is sooner. You only need to submit the LOMN for a treatment with the first related reimbursement request each year.

What you need to do:

  • If you receive an EOUE or EOP Denial indicating that an LOMN is needed, contact your licensed practitioner and request an LOMN

  • Submit the LOMN with a copy of the EOUE or EOP to Via Benefits for reprocessing

The LOMN isn't a guarantee that you'll receive reimbursement for the expense.

Information to be included in the letter:

  • Patient name and identifying information (for example, DOB, last four (4) of SSN)

  • Description

    • The specific diagnosis or treatment needed, including a short description of the recommended service or product (for example, “Massage therapy recommended twice weekly for six months to alleviate back pain.”)

  • Signature of a licensed practitioner on the provider’s official letterhead, prescription pad, or discharge papers.

If you need more assistance in requesting the LOMN, please contact us.

*Via Benefits reimbursement accounts are administered by Extend Health, LLC

Jerdon Johnston

Associate Director of Strategy @ Willis Towers Watson > Benefits, Delivery, & Administration > Individual Marketplace


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