Medicare Supplemental Plans - Changes and Disenrollments

The time in which you can change your Medicare coverage depends on the plan types involved. If you're considering changing or disenrolling from your current Medicare coverage, review the scenarios below to see next steps.

Call us at 1-866-322-2824 and speak with one of our licensed benefit advisors* to change or disenroll from your plan. Speaking with a benefit advisor ensures that your coverage changes are made during a valid enrollment period, and that your reimbursement account isn't affected.

Anytime During the Year

These are some of the changes you can make to your Medicare coverage at any time of year:

  • Change from one Medicare Supplemental Insurance (Medigap) policy to another Medigap policy.

    Note: You may be subject to medical underwriting unless you have guaranteed issue rights.

  • Disenroll from your Medigap policy and return to Original Medicare only.

    Note: Contact the insurance carrier directly to disenroll from you Medigap policy.

  • Disenroll from your Medigap policy and enroll in a Medicare Cost plan without prescription drug coverage.

    Note: Call the insurance carrier for your current Medigap policy to let them know you're enrolling in a Medicare Cost plan.

Medicare Open Enrollment Period (October 15 through December 7)

The following changes can be made during the Medicare Open Enrollment Period (OEP), October 15 through December 7 each year. Changes made during the OEP take effect January 1 of the following year. The insurance carrier for your current plan notifies you if changes are being made to your plan for the next year. Occasionally, plans are discontinued. Be sure to read all of your insurance carrier's communications for changes to your current coverage. If you're satisfied with your current coverage, then no action is required; your plans automatically renew. You can make as many changes as you like during the OEP, but the last election you make during this time will begin January 1.

You can also make these changes if you have a Special Enrollment Period (SEP). Call us at 1-866-322-2824 if you'd like to change your Medicare supplemental coverage. Learn more about Special Enrollment Periods.

Changes Involving a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan

These are some of the changes you can make to your Medicare prescription drug coverage during the OEP:

  • Change from one Medicare Prescription Drug plan (PDP) to another PDP.

    Note: You'll automatically be disenrolled from your previous PDP.

  • Enroll in a PDP if you have Original Medicare and want to add prescription drug coverage.

  • Disenroll from your PDP.

    Note: Your prescription coverage will end on December 31.

Changes involving a Medigap policy

These are some of the changes you can make if you currently have a Medigap policy:

  • Disenroll from a Medigap policy and enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan. Call us to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan. Call the insurance carrier for your current Medigap policy to let them know you're enrolling in a Medicare Advantage plan.

  • Disenroll from a Medigap policy and enroll in a Medicare Cost plan with prescription coverage. Call the insurance carrier for your current Medigap policy to let them know you're enrolling in a Medicare Cost plan.

Use Shop & Compare to shop and enroll in plans on the website. 

Guaranteed Issue Rights

The federal government requires insurance carriers to offer certain Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) policies to those in specific situations. This requirement is to ensure these individuals' guaranteed issue rights, which protect them when their health care coverage is changed or lost. While the federal government sets the criteria regarding guaranteed issue rights, the carriers must also comply with any additional protections offered by individual states.

These rights extend to you in situations, such as:

  • You turn 65 and are newly eligible for Medicare benefits

  • You re under 65 but are newly eligible for Medicare benefits due to disability (supplement plans aren't always available to people under 65 in all states)

  • You delay enrolling in Medicare Part B past age 65, but you've now enrolled in Part B

  • You have Medicare Parts A and B, but you've been using an employer group plan for your medical coverage, and it ends or is discontinued

  • You have Medicare Parts A and B, but you've been using COBRA benefits and they end

  • You move out of your current plan's service area

  • Your Medicare Advantage plan stops providing care in your area

  • You're still within your initial enrollment year in a Medicare Advantage plan, and you change your mind

If you meet the criteria, carriers can't:

  • Deny you a Medigap policy as one of your options, limitations may apply

  • Place restrictions on the coverage offered based on your medical history

  • Charge a higher premium based on any pre-existing conditions you may have

Medigap policies are open for enrollment year-round, but you may not always be in a guaranteed issue period. If you aren't in a guaranteed issue period, carriers ask questions about your medical history and may choose to not issue you a policy or charge you a higher rate because of your health history. This process is called underwriting.

When you enroll in an AARP Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) policy, you need an active AARP membership when we submit the application and on the effective date of the policy. If you decide to keep the same policy next year, you aren't required to renew your AARP membership. It's your choice whether you renew the membership. If you need assistance renewing a membership or looking up a current member, please call AARP at 1-888-687-2277.

*Our licensed benefit advisors specialize in health insurance for retirees. They go through annual training and certification to ensure they can help you make an informed and confident decision.

Jerdon Johnston

Associate Director of Strategy @ Willis Towers Watson > Benefits, Delivery, & Administration > Individual Marketplace


Transitioning from Individual and Family Plans to Medicare
