Medicare Dental, Vision, and Hearing Coverage

Medicare plans offer limited dental, vision, and hearing coverage. If you need additional dental, vision or hearing coverage, consider purchasing a plan through Via Benefits Insurance Services or taking advantage of discounts provided by organizations such as AARP or AMAC. If you need all three coverages, consider purchasing a Dental, Vision, and Hearing (DVH) plan through Via Benefits

Dental, Vision, and Hearing (DVH) Plans

Medicare plans offer limited dental, vision, and hearing coverage. If you need all three plans, consider purchasing a DVH plan through Via Benefits. 

Via Benefits is introducing a new offering this Open Enrollment Period (OEP) called DVH plans. These plans combine all three benefits into one plan. The premium for a DVH plan is roughly the same as the premium for a stand-alone dental plan, and you get vision and hearing coverage. We currently offer these plans from three carriers, Cigna, Humana, and SureBridge.

Please call us at 1-866-322-2824 to speak with a Via Benefits licensed benefit advisor* about plans in your area. You don't need an enrollment period to enroll in a DVH plan. You can enroll throughout the year (certain conditions may apply). If you have an enrollment period, you can shop and enroll in a dental plan on the website. 

If you're considering canceling a stand-alone dental, vision, or hearing plan because you want to enroll in a DVH plan, contact your insurance carrier directly. Also contact your insurance carrier directly if you have questions about coverage or the provider network for a plan in which you're currently enrolled.

Stand-Alone Dental Coverage

Medicare plans offer limited dental coverage. If you need dental coverage, consider purchasing a dental plan through Via Benefits.

Coverage Options

Original Medicare

Medicare Part A covers treatment required as a result of an accident or illness. Preventive and restorative dental care and dentures aren’t covered.

Medicare Advantage

A Medicare Advantage plan may provide some dental coverage as an Optional Supplemental Benefit (OSB). If offered, it’s typically limited to preventive care, such as exams, cleanings, and X-rays at a network provider. You may have the option to purchase a dental rider through your plan. If offered, a rider typically covers restorative care (e.g., fillings, crowns, dentures).

Employer Coverage

Dental coverage may be available as a retirement benefit from your former employer or benefits provider. This coverage typically pays for preventive and restorative care, such as exams, fillings, and dentures, up to an annual maximum amount.

Via Benefits

Dental coverage is generally available through Via Benefits unless your former employer doesn't make it available. We offer dental plans through several insurance carriers, depending on your location. This coverage typically pays for preventive and restorative care, such as exams, fillings and dentures, up to an annual maximum amount.

Please call us at 1-866-322-2824 to speak with a Via Benefits licensed benefit advisor* about plans in your area. You don't need an enrollment period to enroll in a dental plan. You can enroll throughout the year (certain conditions may apply). If you do have an enrollment period, you can shop and enroll in a dental plan on the website. 

If you're considering canceling your dental plan, contact your insurance carrier directly. Also contact your insurance carrier directly if you have questions about coverage or the provider network for a plan in which you're currently enrolled.

Stand-Alone Vision Coverage

Medicare plans offer limited vision coverage. If you need vision coverage, consider purchasing a vision plan through Via Benefits.

Coverage Options

Original Medicare

Medicare Part B covers diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases and injuries (for example, glaucoma, cataract, macular degeneration). It also covers one pair of eyeglasses or contacts after cataract surgery. A Medicare Advantage plan may provide additional vision coverage as an OSB. If offered, this benefit is typically limited. It may only cover a routine exam, or it may offer a fixed amount for glasses.

If you'd like vision coverage beyond that which may be offered with your Medicare plan, we suggest the following options:

Medicare Advantage

Some Medicare Advantage plans include vision benefits; however, most Medicare Advantage plans require you to add vision coverage as an OSB. This means that after you're enrolled in the plan, you need to call the insurance carrier directly to add vision coverage. If you're interested in this option, ask the Via Benefits licensed benefit advisor* for more information during your enrollment appointment.

Via Benefits

Contact us at 1-866-322-2824 to speak with a benefit advisor about plans in your area. You don't need an enrollment period to enroll in a vision plan. You can enroll throughout the year. If you do have an enrollment period, you can shop and enroll in a vision plan on the website.

If you want to cancel your VSP plan, call VSP at 1-800-400-4569 prior to your renewal date, after which your plan is renewed for 12 months. You're sent a reminder 60 days in advance of your renewal.

Additional Options

AARP offers vision discounts and vision insurance to its members.

  • Other organizations also provide options. For example, AMAC has partnered with VSP to offer a vision plan.

The plans typically have networks, limits on costs and time frames, and provide coverage for eyeglasses, contacts, and eye exams. These plans don't cover medical eye conditions covered under Original Medicare.

Stand-Alone Hearing Coverage

Medicare plans offer limited hearing coverage. If you need hearing coverage, consider the following options.

Coverage Options

Original Medicare

Medicare Part B covers diagnostic hearing exams to determine if medical treatment is needed. It doesn't pay for routine hearing exams, hearing aids, or fitting hearing aids.

Medicare Advantage

A Medicare Advantage plan may provide additional hearing coverage as an OSB. If offered, it’s typically limited. If you'd like hearing coverage beyond that which may be offered with your Medicare plan, we suggest the following options:

Your Insurance Carrier

Contact your insurance carrier to find out what hearing coverage or discounts it offers. The insurance carrier's contact information is generally on the back of your Insurance ID card.


Organizations such as AARP or AMAC often have hearing discounts for their members.

Via Benefits

  • Enroll in a VSP vision plan through Via Benefits. VSP offers its members great discounts on hearing aids and batteries. Learn about VSP hearing aid discounts at or call 1-877-396-7194.

Call us to speak with a Via Benefits licensed benefit advisor* about VSP  plans in your area. You don’t need an enrollment period to enroll in a vision plan. You can enroll throughout the year. If you do have an enrollment period, you can shop and enroll in a vision plan on the website. 

  • Enroll in a Renaissance dental plan through Via Benefits. Renaissance has partnered with Epic Hearing to provide a free hearing savings plan to all its dental plan members. Plan highlights include savings up to 60% off of retail prices on all major brand hearing aids and related professional services (prices start as low as $495). They also supply extended product warranties and a one-year supply of batteries -- free with purchase (on most devices).

Call us to speak with a benefit advisor about Renaissance dental plans in your area. You don't need an enrollment period to enroll in a dental plan. You can enroll throughout the year. If you do have an enrollment period, you can shop and enroll in a dental plan on the website.

*Our licensed benefit advisors specialize in health insurance for retirees. They go through annual training and certification to ensure they can help you make an informed and confident decision.

Jerdon Johnston

Associate Director of Strategy @ Willis Towers Watson > Benefits, Delivery, & Administration > Individual Marketplace


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